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Kind of a weird question regarding age differences ...

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I guess I pretty much have always been involved with guys who were older than I am (the most was by 7 years) ... obviously I've never been in a successful relationship or I wouldn't be single right now.


I guess my question would be how much is too much age difference and does it matter if the female is the one who is older?

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Well... I still think it takes the right people, and commitment on both sides. A good marriage takes love, commitment and good timing as well.


I have a friend who has been in a relationship with a much younger man for a while now, and while he has proposed to her, she keeps turning him down. Why? Because she is past her child-raising stage (she has 11 children, all grown, and no interest in raising more) and he is in is mid-30s. She knows he enjoys kids, and just thinks that even if it works out in the short term, in the long term he really needs to be with a woman who wants to have children. They may have the love and commitment, but the timing just isn't there for them.


I think you need to decide what you want from a permanent relationship, what he wants, and then go from there. Of course, in this case you don't even know yet!

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Well... I still think it takes the right people, and commitment on both sides. A good marriage takes love, commitment and good timing as well.


I think you need to decide what you want from a permanent relationship, what he wants, and then go from there. Of course, in this case you don't even know yet!


I don't even know if he is interested or not and I don't even know how to approach him. I mean we talk at work and such and we seem to get along the best I can tell. I really don't know where to go from here. :banghead:

I would really like to find out if he is interested. I know I have thought maybe I should just forget it and let it go, but then he walks by and my heart ... well, you know how it is. :001_rolleyes:

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I don't even know if he is interested or not and I don't even know how to approach him. I mean we talk at work and such and we seem to get along the best I can tell. I really don't know where to go from here. :banghead:

I would really like to find out if he is interested. I know I have thought maybe I should just forget it and let it go, but then he walks by and my heart ... well, you know how it is. :001_rolleyes:


My son is 18. If I were single, and thought a guy 18yrs younger than me was interested in me, I know how I think... I'd be thinking he's sweet but I could be his mom. Not saying you should feel this way - and I am in my mid 40's, so maybe that has something to do with it?

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