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Need ideas to gather funds for our family to go on a "mission vacation"---

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We have the opportunity to take our entire family on a vacation that would be a mission trip too. We would be staying with friends, so lodgin/food is taken care of. We need funds for gas and food there and back and some "spending money". Funds for our family are tied up in medical bills, insurance and necessities though. So, I am wnating to figure out how to try and do this without dipping into our home/business funds.


We would need around $300. Not an incredible amount, but it is in light of things that we are needing to use our money on.


Our family has not had a vacation in over 8 yrs. We kind of need some get away time.


This trip would be a good opportunity to teach our children about be servants for God. We would be working on some things for a youth ministry, and for a family that is taking in troubled teens. We would be surrounded by God loving, fearing, and honoring people, which would really build us up.


So, if you have some ideas that a mom of 6 young children could pull off by herself, I appreciate it. THANKS!!!:D

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How about a bake sale? As lame-o as that sounds, I'll tell ya what; my mom makes pies for her church's craft sale every year, asking the local orchard to donate a bushel of apples (81, to be exact!:D) so she can make 9 pies. She sells each pie for $10. Worth every penny.


You could learn to make the Disciple's Cross (I think it's http://www.disciplescross.com) and sell those at church or to neighbors and friends for $10 each (you probably make about $6 per, and they supposedly take around 15 minutes to make).


How about selling moss gardens? This is my mil's newest craft idea, and it's really fun to do--kids can definitely participate. Use old dishes/saucers and little figurines--First, gather some dirt and some moss. Put the dirt in the dish, add the figurines, then lay the moss on top to cover the dirt. Use stones or shells, too. Water it until it's almost dripping over. Let sit for a day or so to give the moss time to settle and some of the water to come out. You can buy a little spray bottle in a pretty color to sell with it--just from the Dollar Store. Tell folks to water them pretty well several times a week.

You can see if you can sell to folks in your church, or like a garage sale, by your house. Big signs--"Mission Trip Fundraiser!" help.

I'll add some pics of this idea when I have time, if you are interested.


You could also do a car wash--everybody can help wash, and you could ask at a local gas station if you can have some space and use their hose. Just like a church youth group would do, only it's your family. You could get a letter from your pastor and/or the head of the mission trip place--whatever is official--to prove you are using the money for that.

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