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Healthcare plan & implantable microchips...rumor or substantive?

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I think there are some things Americans will just never agree to, no matter how it's "spun." One is giving up their guns, and another is mandatory microchipping. And considering that politicians usually have a lot more to hide than the rest of us, I'm even more confident they would never vote for it!


*IF* microchipping ever became required, I suspect that Congress would exempt themselves from it...kind of like they have with Obamacare.:glare:

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*IF* microchipping ever became required, I suspect that Congress would exempt themselves from it...kind of like they have with Obamacare.:glare:


I do think the chip thing could happen if it's a "benefit" to them personally. It's a convenience! It makes it so we can better care for you! We love our goodies.


The gun thing - now that may be the exception. It is one of our goodies. We don't like tangible rights removed, but chips can be easily spun as an addition, not a removal.



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I understand what its initial purpose was. I still don't see the part where it assures people that's all it was ever to be used for. Lots of things start out one way and turn into something else. That is *different* than promising it will never be used for another purpose.


here's another blurb:




Even at this early time, the public was concerned about privacy and confidentiality issues. Many employees were anxious to know how the information on the SS-5 would be used. The Social Security Board issued releases at various times assuring the public that the information on the application would be kept confidential, with access limited to government employees for whom job duties under the Social Security Act required it (Wyatt and Wandel 1937, 57). In June 1937, the Social Security Board would issue its very first regulation, formalizing its pledge of confidentiality for information collected and maintained.

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