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If you're in a free stuff mood...

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I don't know where else to put this so I'm posting it here. I've got some free things listed on my blog, on the page called Watto's Junk Shop. It's a hodgepodge of things - homeschooling books, books my son (Padawan Learner) read, knitting patterns, car organizer, and I forget what else. I do take things down as people request them.


Times are tight right now for a lot of people, so I'm hoping to pass along some of the kindness and generousity that I've experienced through the years from fellow homeschoolers. My only requests are 1) request things that you think you'll actually use - not for resale or "Maybe we'll use it someday" storage - and 2) pass them along to someone else when you are done with them.


Best wishes to you all for a fabulous homeschooling year.

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