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Story of Science w/ SOTW??


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I will be using SOTW 1 & 2 with my 10 & 12 yos as part of SL Core 6 this year. I'd also like to read Hakim's Story of Science and do the quest activites along side.


Has anyone posted a schedule correlating the chapters/books of SoS with SOTW?? I hate to reinvent the wheel!



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  • 4 months later...

LOL, I started this thread and now I can answer it (sort of)!


CAVEAT: I am only really confident about the Aristotle line up as that's the only one I've really scheduled/looked closely at so far.


Story of Science Aristotle -- goes with SOTW 1 & SOTW 2


SoS Newton -- last bit of SOTW 2 and then SOTW 3 + likely some of SOTW 4


(I do have Newton on the shelf, but don't have SOTW 3 or 4 yet, so I can't do an exact correlation.)


SoS Einstein -- presumably will go w/ SOTW 4 but not sure exactly what chapter in SOTW 4 will be the transition from Newton to Einstein.


I think the simplest approach is to spread Aristotle over SOTW 1 & 2. Then do Newton during 3. Then Einstein during 4. That's what I plan to do -- just take the number of SoS chapters and divide them over the school year. . .


I know that will be a very close correlation for Aristotle, at least it has been for me.


I haven't done the other two yet, so can't assess exactly how well they correlate, but I think it'll be close enough for me and I like the idea of spreading the SoS out over the course of a semester (or year) as opposed to trying to cover one more rapidly than a semester.


FWIW, I am half way through doing SoS Aristotle along w/ SOTW1, now moving into SOTW2 (doing SonLight so we cover both in one year), and I am very happy with the correlation so far.

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