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Anyone else intrigued by Adaptive Curriculum?


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I ordered the science. We did the free trial and my daughter really enjoyed the virtual labs. I looked through them myself and thought they were a fantastic supplement.


She is using Lyrical Life Vol 1 and I have tied in many of the labs from Adaptive + a few more hands-on from Homeschool Science Tools. My own schedule so to speak.


(She is in 6th grade)

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I paid the $80 for it and we're not really happy with it. And because it was purchased through the co-op, there is no refund.


I got both science and math. The math activities we've done so far don't have any instruction in the math concept and only minor instruction on how to actually do the activity. My dd11 and I take about 10 - 15 minutes to understand what concept the activity is reinforcing, and even then, she isn't coming away with anything. She does the activity for a few minutes and moves on because it usually doesn't make sense to her. (or me for that matter)


The few science activities she has done were a little better though she still felt confused. If we did those concepts at the table without that program, she understands them. The way the activities are presented just seem fairly stupid.


I haven't found it worth the money. When I talked to the co-op, they gave me an "I told you so" type attitude and said I should have read the fine print and done the trial offer first. My bad, my loss.


YMMV though.

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Wow. Two different opinions. You're not helping me ladies! :lol:


I think you said the deal was ending now? Because if you can get the free trial first, that would be the best course. If you don't have time to do that, and if the $80 won't be a hardship, give it a go. You might like it. The money didn't break me or my budget. I was just bummed because at that point I wasn't trying to buy curriculum, but now I am. I need to tweak my son's schedule. So of course I wish I still had that $80! :)

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