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Appropriate age/grade level writing?

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How can I tell how much and what kind of writing my child is currently doing? There was a recent post on the curriculum board about writing that was quite timely for me. I have been looking at LA, history, and science curriculums for ds13. I haven't found one that seems to fit him. It only just occurred to me last night that I'm rejecting programs because they ask for work using skills I don't think my son has. Because of his age and previous work, I've been looking at 7th/8th grade material. In fact, because the 8th grade programs appeared to be really difficult, I backed down to 7th grade and then to 6th grade. That doesn't seem right.


I thought I knew was my son was capable of doing and then made assumptions about what he couldn't do, i.e. a program that requires writing every day seemed like major busy work. But a student who knows how to write fairly well would likely have no problems with writing assignments, right? I'm not talking about lengthy compositions, but ones that ask for one to two paragraphs responding to material read during the lesson.


Editing: Oops! I didn't know this one posted. I had not submitted my original post yet because I kept changing it. There is another post with the same name that has a different second paragraph. :)

Edited by Night Elf
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Is it possible that if you put your ds in the 8th grade material based on age or at least the 7th grade materials, he'd step up to the challenge? Sure, school may be a little longer than anticipated at first, but...


We started the virtual academy when my ds was 12.5. They required us to put him in his age-based grade level though he was several years below that. At first, it was pretty tough but in time, he really got the hang of it. From the end of Oct when he started it to the end of the school year, he almost caught up to his age-based grade (a low level of it, but STILL!!!!).


The reason I tell you that is that I had bought various materials for that school year. I was trying to use materials just above his then current level and then figure out how to move through it a little faster. We rarely did go much faster though so he just stayed behind though that year he was going through a HUGE growth spurt. So by them requiring him to step up, we were able to bridge the gap a lot easier than "my way."


So that is my suggeston. Find a 7th or 8th grade program that you like, that fits his style well enough, and that meets the goals you want for him. Then plan on a little longer for that class til he gets the hang of it.



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We just started this program and I think it's great ... Andrew Pudewa gives specific instruction on how to write. We're working on key word outlining and reworking of paragraphs with style right now on Student Writing Intensive B (he teaches the kids for you on DVDs or you can purchase a teach the teacher set of DVDs).

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Is it possible that if you put your ds in the 8th grade material based on age or at least the 7th grade materials, he'd step up to the challenge?


This is what my DH believes and worries that I coddle our son too much. He is near to finishing the 7th grade LA from K12. Well, we dropped the composition a long time ago and he has flown through grammar and vocabulary. Literature has been a challenge for him because he finds most of the stories stupid. He has trouble answering the 'Why' type questions. Every unit ends with a writing assignment that seems to always be several one-paragraph responses to the reading. I've had to lead him through many of the comprehension questions unless they were very simple in nature like list the characters, setting, and plot.


I've looked at their 8th grade LA and I'm thinking that may be too much considering the trouble he has had in 7th grade. Maybe I should go back through and look at his literature and composition work and have him complete the assignments we skipped.


DH and I were not planning to renew our K12 contract that ends on Feb. 4th. Perhaps we might change our minds if ds13 could do the work. I guess I shouldn't have allowed him to skip assignments that seemed overwhelming, but instead broken them down into smaller bits. I get so wrapped up in checking off those dumb little boxes though. :)

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We just started this program and I think it's great ... Andrew Pudewa gives specific instruction on how to write. We're working on key word outlining and reworking of paragraphs with style right now on Student Writing Intensive B (he teaches the kids for you on DVDs or you can purchase a teach the teacher set of DVDs).


We did use IEW for a while. Ds13 did quite well with the themed writing and watched some of the SWI dvd's with me. We didn't get to far into the program when we dropped it because DH decided to put the kids back into the K12 consumer direct program. But it was definitely a cool program.

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Beth, you may decide that you just do a separate writing program, one that fits y'all better. As y'all are independent, you can do whatever you wish with the K12.


I have to tell you that sometimes it is just HARD to know when we're coddling vs just accomodating. Being part of the virtual academy really allowed me to get good at using "interventions" but not letting him out of the work (or giving him "baby work" instead). I'm so glad we had that help.


He is using an online program for writing now and we are VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY happy with it. I was worried based on some threads right before school started, but it is working BEAUTIFULLY for him. He gets feedback as many times per day as needed to help him do well. Usually it's just once or twice, but it has been more a couple times. He likes his teacher and looks forward to her emails. And he can be in each class as little as 6 weeks or if he meets that level, go ahead and move up.


But this is what works for us. Find a program that works for y'all and run with it. :)

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