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Confession: The down-side to sorting through old school work...

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is knowing how much more time I spent with my oldest two children. :crying:


Of course, much of that wasn't essential, but it was fun. Lots of projects and coloring and narrations.


Ahhhh, for those days over. For more time with the youngers.


If nothing else, I am motivated to eek out more time with those precious middle children. They deserve better.


There. Confession made.



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Oh man! I hear ya'! And, I've only got 4 kids.


I realized the other day that my 3.5 year old has never been to the library story hour. I don't do any of the fun things with her that I used to do with the boys. I'm really sad about that.


When my older two were just starting homeschooling, we did all sorts of fun activities. I have pictures and proof!!! My poor third and fourth kids. Nada. Just the boring stuff.


I realized the other night, I couldn't remember the last time I READ to my 3.5 yo!! Now, I'm scheduling it so that it doesn't get missed.


But, I figure that my younger ones have different advantages. My 3.5 year old knows the rules of baseball because she's been to SO many games. My 9 yo is in karate and at a very advanced belt because he has brothers who show him things at home. Etc, etc. This is how I make myself feel better anyway!!

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My son learned to count because my daughter taught him! He learned much earlier than he would have if he didn't have a big sister.


He does have less pictures and I haven't updated his baby book. I'm sure it gets worse with every child.


I have a friend whose 3 children are all grown, she said she forgot to teach either her 2nd or 3rd child their colors until they were at least 3 or 4, but then it only took one minute! (They all turned out great, BTW.)

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Guest RecumbentHeart

I was just thinking recently on how I need to be very purposeful about time with each child. I know it's never going to be exactly the same with each of them but I can see how my middle one could easily get lost in the flow.

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