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If you have streamlined your subjects, how have you done it?


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For instance, using SWR to cover phonics, spelling, handwriting, etc.


Or using the same poem that they are memorizing for copywork. That type of thing. I'm always looking for new ideas on how to combine or streamline and I think it's interesting to hear how others are doing it!


A couple of ours: I was hoping to like SWR so I could do the above but I hate it so I need to rethink. We do the copywork/memory thing. I'm doing studied dictation with passages from our lit, which is tied in with our history, with dd9 for our spelling, handwriting, vocab, and I'm even throwing grammar in there-picking out passages that highlight grammatical constructions that I'd like to focus on. (I wanted to do CW, which is a great streamlining program, but it's just too much for us this year.)

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We rotate some subjects each year or semester.


Grammar/Spelling is one, we only do one or the other.

Art/Music Appreciation- they practice thier insturments everyday, but history and apprciation we rotate.



I try to fit some subjects in as part of our day. It takes a little more planning for me, but shortens our "school day".

-->Spanish- I pick a time of day that we can only speak spanish, so if it is breakfast this week, I might print off a list of helpful words and post them by the table. Then next week it will be in the car, or during chores.

-->There is a whole group of "oral" subjects that if I am prepared we can fit in lots of places-in the car, doing outside chores, ect. Spelling/Memory Work/Math facts/vocab (english and foriegn lang.)- I try to keep a current folder in the car that they can quiz each other with, and I can peek at it when we go out to the barn or garden.


Espcially when they were younger but even now, my boys are much more receptive to serious talks first thing in the morning, before they even get out of bed. I try to use that time for something important and serious (Bible maybe?). It also works really well for read alouds.

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We combine History, Literature, and (some) Writing. We use Truth Quest as our history guide, choosing suggested titles from there for them to read independently. We then discuss the genre of the book, and I have them narrate their readings. 12yo ds writes his narrations independently while 9yo ds narrates to me and I type them in MS Word.

Edited by angela&4boys
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