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7th grade reading


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I still haven't figured out what to do for 7th grade reading. I do have the new TWTM. I guess I need to read that section today. While I do that...


What are/have you done in 7th grade? Normally I let them read whatever they choose from the library. I keep a selection of topics and books around, as well. But, never assignments or anything.

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This is what we are reading for 7th grade:


Literary Studies- King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table and Ivanhoe

(pulling from guides, worksheets, etc.)


Vocabulary focus-Bulfinch's Mythology


Inspectional Readings (from How To Read a Book)-Puck of Pook's Hill and Canterbury Tales (retold)


Difficult Readings (for stretching and exposure-these will be read aloud)-Joan of Arc and Daughter of Time


Foundational-English Literature for Boys and Girls


Shakespeare-Henry V


+poetry and independent readings



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Here's our list for this coming year:


Perrault, Charles: The Complete Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault

Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver’s Travels

Bunyan, John: The Pilgrim’s Progress

Wordsworth, William:

“Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbeyâ€

“Lucy Grayâ€

“Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802â€

“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloudâ€

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: “The Rime of the Ancient Marinerâ€

Irving, Washington: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow & Rip Van Winkle

Franklin, Benjamin: Autobiography

Franklin, Benjamin: Way to Wealth

Penn, William: Maxims

Henty, G.A.: In the Reign of Terror: The Adventures of a Westminster Boy

Melville, Herman: Bartleby

Cooper, James Fennimore: The Deerslayer

Rosetti, Christina: “A Birthdayâ€

Carroll, Lewis: Through the Looking Glass

Ellis, Joseph: His Excellency: George Washington

Austen, Jane: Sense and Sensibility

Shelley, Mary: Frankenstein

Twain, Mark: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Pope, Alexander: Essays on Men and Other Poems

Dickens, Charles: Oliver Twist

Tennyson, Alfred Lord: “The Lady of Shalottâ€

“Tears, Idle Tears†(TF 649 – read note re: Tinturn Abbey)

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett: “How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways.â€

McCullough, David: 1776

Poe, Edgar Allan: “The Ravenâ€

“Annabel Leeâ€

Asbjrnsen, Peter Christen: East o’ the Sun and West o’ the Moon

Douglass, Frederick: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave

Harris, Alex and Brett: Do Hard Things

MacArthur, John: The Gospel According to Jesus

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I am going to have him keep a journal with questions, vocab., and summaries as we go. We will spend an hour or so every Monday discussing his reading from the previous week. He is already doing quite a bit of writing in history (Teaching Co's High School Am. History) and Classical Writing: Diogenes Maxim, so I don't want to overload him.

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I am going to have him keep a journal with questions, vocab., and summaries as we go. We will spend an hour or so every Monday discussing his reading from the previous week. He is already doing quite a bit of writing in history (Teaching Co's High School Am. History) and Classical Writing: Diogenes Maxim, so I don't want to overload him.

That's a good idea. My dd has lots of writing also, so this seems like it would work well! Thanks for sharing!


My dd is doing the TTC's Early American History. I did it with her brothers 3 or 4 years ago, and she asked me if she could do it this year. She really likes the guy! :001_smile:

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