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Another TOG question-what would be the pros/cons of buying a used Year 1 Redesign?


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Other than the obvious advantages the DE has, I mean.


Would I still have access to the Loom? Have they changed book choices, etc., in the last couple years since Year 1 Redesign has been out?


Is it basically the same thing you'd get now if you bought Year 1, just not digital?


I'm hoping to use it the year after this year, so I might try to buy one used, if there are no disadvantages.

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Other than the obvious advantages the DE has, I mean.


Would I still have access to the Loom? Have they changed book choices, etc., in the last couple years since Year 1 Redesign has been out?


Is it basically the same thing you'd get now if you bought Year 1, just not digital?


I'm hoping to use it the year after this year, so I might try to buy one used, if there are no disadvantages.


If you buy Redesign used, the seller needs to contact Lampstand Press so they can transfer Loom access to you. This would just be for updates because you should receive a Loom disc from the seller. There have been some title changes for year 1 Redesign, but mainly in the grammar levels because books have gone OOP.


I personally think it would be easier to do the first year of TOG with the print version. Then, after you know your way around, you can navigate the DE more easily.




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I personally think it would be easier to do the first year of TOG with the print version. Then, after you know your way around, you can navigate the DE more easily.




I second that!

Unless they have changed things, you can access the loom even if you have not made a purchase from Lampstand Press. I know that I was able to access it before I bought anything.

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I purchased a used set of the Redesigned TOG Yr 1, and am not a bit sorry. Like another poster said, using the printed version helps you get better acquainted with the program. As a person that prefers to read paper text over digital text, I appreciate having the book in front of me. If it were up to me, I'd rather have the print ultimately up ahead, but most likely won't order it because of the costs involved. (I expect that I will have to print out the pages that we will need so I can still have a hard copy notebook.)


Along with this, I think that the price has to be another incentive. Most used copies are at a savings, even though TOG materials have great resale value. With this, at the very least you should be able to turn it around and sell it again if you choose to and still get a good amount of return on your investment.




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Other than the obvious advantages the DE has, I mean.


Would I still have access to the Loom? Have they changed book choices, etc., in the last couple years since Year 1 Redesign has been out?


Is it basically the same thing you'd get now if you bought Year 1, just not digital?


I'm hoping to use it the year after this year, so I might try to buy one used, if there are no disadvantages.


I think you can go either way. I love having the digital so I can easily search for specific topics, and because you can print out a page, mark it all up, and print out a new one. I am a page protector normally and now I don't need to. Guess I learn towards the digital.


If you like to plan somewhere other than on your computer and you don't want to print out the whole DE then you would probably prefer the print version.




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