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Fold Up Kids' Table

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I'm hoping some of you might be able to help me.


I am in search of a table for the room where we will mainly homeschool. I'm hoping for about 18" high (so we can sit on cushions and won't need chairs) and long enough for me to work with 6yo DD1 while her little sister scribbles away too.


And the kicker -- I want it to fold up. Our homeschool room serves a lot of other purposes, so I want to be able to put it away.


Suggestions? My hunt so far as been fruitless.


Thanks in advance!!

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We bought this table at Sam's a few years ago and it is great. You can adjust the legs all the way from really tall, counter height to short, kid's table height. It is extremely sturdy and opens up big enough that if you could easily seat 6 kids around it.



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