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IEW: SWI then SWICC - level?


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I have a 12yo and 8yo who will be using this program coming from Writing Tales 1. Which level should I get? I have heard that SWI A only covers a few units and they don't sound like the units that would interest my kids as much and I'd hate for them to start disliking the program without funner units the first year. The SWI B sounds like we'd get more for our money, but I have read a bit about the SWICC A and B courses and think there is a lot of valuable stuff in the SWICC A and don't think I want to skip that.


What about doing SWI B then SWICC A, B, C? The 12yo's writing could benefit from SWICC A. How much are things lessened in SWI A than B? I had it all planned for SWI B then SWICC B, then C. The lessons in SWICC A sound very beneficial, so maybe SWI A then SWICC A then B.:confused:

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SWI-A = gr. 3-5

SWI-B = gr. 6-8

SWI-C = gr. 9-12


The usual sequence is to do SWI (either A, B or C) one year, then move on to SICC (A, B or C, depending on your student's grade) the next. I believe SWI-B covers the same material as A just at a higher level; it also includes more units and stylistic techniques, but you wouldn't miss out on anything.


If I were in your shoes, I would wonder whether to get B and just ask less of the 8yo, or get A and ask more of the 12 yo. The IEW yahoo group offers excellent purchasing/placement advice. Good luck! :-)

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Thank you for the advice. Since I won't be able to afford it for a few months, we are doing NaNoWriMo Youth through Nov then editting in Dec till Winter break. I am covering basic sentence stucture, diagramming, and grammar, how to plan a story and literary parts before November.


I figure I'll cover the basics I think they'll be missing in SWICC A until Jan '10 like sentence openers and basic adverb and adjective dress-ups. I think they'll be fine starting SWI B followed by SWICC B come Jan.


Thanks again!:)

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