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If you have more than one editition of the WTM...

Kate in Arabia

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I haven't made notes, but I do keep all of them. I like having the editions without the PHP products, just in case they don't work as well for one of my kids, yk? I also like to have the recommendations for supplemental books that may be OOP, because I frequent a huge, wonderful used bookstore. Right now I've loaned out my 2nd edition, too, and I like being able to loan out WTM without losing my own mind. ;)

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I HAVE made many notes and dog-eared some pages of my 2nd edition book, so I'm keeping it! I've already dog-eared some pages and made some marks and notes in the new one also. When the next version comes out I'll probably get it and mess it up too! I like having them all to refer to!

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...do you refer back to earlier editions or only the latest one? I bought the latest edition this summer, I'm debating whether to keep both editions I currently have or only one. I haven't made notes in either, so it's not like I'd be losing personal notes, just gaining shelf space ;)


not only does it recommend all the books I already own, but the logic stage history and lit sections just fall right out - perfect for those times when carrying around the entire tome just won't do! :lol:


(and, yes, I have SL, TOG, books at our library, and other lists gathered here and yonder penciled in the margins - in all three levels!)


I have the new edition, and have read sections of it. But, I think I have the 2nd ed. practically memorized. I could never part with it!

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