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Would you go 12 hours away for a week with dh and no kids?

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well a few weeks ago I would say no, but now I would say yes.


My son has anaphylactic peanut allergy and grandma has never kept the kids overnight. We were on a trip when my dh's affair came out, and I had to leave my kids with grandma so I could come home to deal with my marriage woes. I never would have left them with her otherwise. But I left food, instructions for every detail of their lives(LOL) and had to go.


I was shocked and pleased to hear that not only were the kids alive and well, but that grandma was doing fine :-) She even took them camping!!! They ate well, no allergic reactions, and other than the black eye from my ds falling in the tub they had a fantastic week! It was only 4 nights, but she offered a few more...which means she could do a week.


I have learned so much from my dh's affair...and if you have a chance to get away alone please go!!!!! Your kids will be ok. Your mom will do ok with them if you provide the info she needs. And I promise it will be so liberating to realize you can get away!!!


I never thought I would be so willing to leave mine but in my case I had to, and am glad I finally learned to let grandma take care of them alone...b/c now we know she can and we will be taking them back this fall for time away together. And the kids can't wait!!!


This is good advice. Back in 2000, my marriage was less than happy. We decided to take an extended weekend to the Keys alone. We spent a lot of time reminding each other why we got married in the first place. Since then, we have tried to make an effort to get away every year for at least a weekend alone. Twice we went for a week in St. John. These past couple of years since then have been tough financially. Somebody asked if I regretted having spent the money on those trips. Nope! No way! I am so glad for the memories we have and the connections we made.

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Would I? No. Should you? Maybe :)


My parents love the boys very much, but they are in their 60s and I know a week would tire them out. And I miss the boys a whole lot when they're away. DH and I do need to get away soon; I like for us to go for a night or two every year or so, and it's been a while. But I don't think at this point I could bear to be away for a whole week, and so far away.


But that's just me.




We have the chance to do this. It also happens to fall the week of dh's birthday and our anniversary. My mom would watch the kids and dog. However, I don't know that I could relax and not worry constantly about them. My boys all have food allergies, two of them are anaphylactic. While they haven't had an incident in ~18 months now, it's because I'm so cautious. My kids are very good, but my mom is not used to the activity of a dog and three elementary boys either. We've never been away from the kids. This could be the honeymoon we never had. Would you jump at the chance?
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