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OPGTR question

SS in MD

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I just received Ordinary Parent's Guid to Teaching Reading for my K'er. There are 231 lessons. I was assuming ds could finish OPGTR this year and start FLL 1 next year. How do you all plan OPTGR? Do you do 2-3 lessons a day to be done in a "school" year (36 wks)??


Thanks for any advice you can give!

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Guest janainaz

Because my son was ready for it, we did a few lessons a day. I think even doing 2 lessons, we were still done in a really short amount of time. Just use your child to gauge it. We got through it in about 7 months.

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I'm like Christie - We doubled up a bit in the beginning (teaching letter sounds - my dd already knew them), but we are just doing one lesson a day right now. Some days, the lessons seem very long and difficult for DD to sit through and other days, she gets them done in less than 5-10 minutes and is thrilled with herself! My DD does better with just one lesson a day and then we also do a page of Explode the Code. I'm trying not to push too much, too fast.


OPGTR is supposed to end them with a 4th grade reading level when the book is over, and I'm okay with that taking more than a single year of instruction if it means she has a solid foundation set. :) I don't want her to dread reading or reading lessons, so I gauge it based on how she is acting for sure!

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