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WP Animal world Q


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I have never used it, but I would use their sample schedule to get an idea...for example it appears the Animal Encyclopedia, Animal Defenses are two books you probably want to buy along with the curriculum guide from WP. I would also, look at your local library/libraries (including interlibrary loans) to see what you can get/borrow for short bits of time. Sorry I couldn't be more help. My post will bump your post, if all else fails!;)

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The Animal Encyclopedia is used all year, so that is a must buy. Animal Defenses is part of the 2nd grade and up pack and is used for a couple of weeks. The One Small Square series is used for all levels and each book is read over a couple of weeks (they spread that reading out over each area so the OSS dessert would be spread out to about 2 pages a day over the course of the dessert area). So depending on what level you are using it for would determine what books you would need to own.


Pre-k to 1st: (used all year)

Animal Encyclopedia

Alphabet Art

At the Zoo

Ed Emberley's Drawing Book

Eric Carle's Animals, Animals

Bible Devotional


Then the One Small Square Series is used every day starting in the second week. Starting with the African Savanna. This series is used in both levels.



2nd grade and up:

Animal Encyclopedia

Eric Carle's Animals, Animals

Bible Devotional

Easy-to-Create Wildlife Habitats

Animal Habitats

And I'm sure there is at least one more that is used a lot, but we haven't used the older resources yet so I can't remember.


I'd double check on the WP boards since they would have used the program more recently than I have.

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We did this program last year, and I pieced some of it together. The One Small Square series is readily available at most libraries, and you only need each one for a couple of weeks. I would check to see if your library can get those from inter-library loan if they don't stock them. Also the Animal Defenses, Animals and Their Young, etc. books - try and check those out instead of buying. The drawing books are nice, but you could use any animal drawing book you had on hand (again- library!) because the drawing assignments often didn't match up with the lesson anyway.


Go on Amazon and look at the Animal Habitats activity books, and look at the sample pages. I say if you're on a budget, choose one. We rarely did any of these projects (many of them are actually repeated in the WP Habitats, Hollows & Homes book anyway!) so for us they were a waste.


It's a fun program, though. My daughter really liked it. But you really can just buy their schedule and an animal encyclopedia and use it as a guide.


Susan ;)

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