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Anyone use a PC card for their internet use? I have questions

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Finally got registered on the new site!


Anyway, we can't get DSL or cable and satellite hookup is so expensive.


If you use a wireless pc card to access the internet,

1. How much is your monthly plan?

2. Do you have some sort of monthly mega bytes limit you are allowed and do you feel it's adequate for how you use the internet? I have no idea how many bites I use in a month!

3. Have you had any problems with the card or the company? We have to use AT&T since they are the only ones that have coverage in our area.

4. Can you use it for more than one computer?

5. Any other helpful info???

Thanks so much for any help. I am totally illiterate on this stuff but don't want to get scammed when we buy one!



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We got an cellular internet card/service for my husband's laptop, so he could get internet at the hospital last year. It was expensive. I think around $70+ a month.


We had Sprint. It would only work on my husband's laptop, because the "card" would only fit in that laptop, which was very new. Sprint was the only provider that had a card that would work with his laptop.


There was no limit on how much you could use it. It would sometimes just sign you out, so you had to go back and sign in. This wasnt' that big or common a problem.



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