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Do these things bother you in a church?

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My church is a merge between two very different congregations. Basically everyone has to put themselves aside, work together, and compromise on non-faith issues.


There were 4 or 5 families that left the church over some issues such as music and sermon style. It is going to happen, growing pains.


In our case the churches decided to meet together on a trial basis for four months before making a long term commitment and merging the elder boards exc. By the end of the 4 months the church was made up of 1/3 one congregation, 1/3 the second congregation and 1/3 new people. We have been going strong for years now but we really focus on unity and using our differences to make us stronger.


Not everyone is going to be able to handle the change of a merger but with strong leadership it will work out. It doesn't mean everyone will stay though.



Thank you, I just want to add one more thing then I'm going to shut up :D We did meet with this church on a trial basis for three months, so it's not like, we just up and one day decided to start meeting there and that was that. There were meetings between both churches to discuss things and these things were brought up, and discussed in detail, but they keep coming up to the pastor by this one family again and again, so a meeting is going to be called so those that have been with the church can share their backgrounds and stories a little more. Most of the former members are two working families, have their kids in daycare and are newer Christians. It is an opportunity for us all to grow in all aspects, our own Christian life and our walk with each other. I understand that there will be growing pains, it just seems like these are such minor issues. I can see doctrine and teachings being more of an issue than anything, but that hasn't been the case.


Thanks for all of your comments and prayers.



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Thanks for posting. I can't agree with your last statement totally. IF the conflict is WITH a member of your church body, that is where it should stay. The problem is that we tend to run to counselors that will simply tell us what we want to hear, or to people where we can give OUR side of the story and build our case.


I believe that this falls under talebearing and gossip. If it's even a question, I would avoid it.


I realize you will disagree with that - just wanted to let you know that I read and considered your post. Thanks again.


Thanks! and You're right -- we simply disagree. :)


That last statement {{to seek advice from a multitude of counselors}}isn't "mine" per se, lol. And a lot of it is a matter of how you define "church body." This kinda goes back to that "as to the Lord" post i did a few days ago: committing it to prayer doesn't mean we desist in learning, asking, acting, and seeking scriptural input from others who can offer Biblical analysis. If i only sought input from w/in my own denomination i would be receiving NOT a "multitude of counselors" but counselors who have already decided to eliminate other interpretations: they are basically of one mind on the issue and don't really fit the "multitude" of counselors. I'm pretty leery of the advice to not seek Biblical counsel from places that have been known to offer quite a lot of Biblical counsel ;).


With the information she has gleaned here --on an open board, w/ a multitude of interpretations, scripture, and options for dealing w/ the situation-- she can approach the immediate church body so they can have a lot of information to consider. It has saved the church time and resources so they can make an informed decision to put the matter to rest [hopefully] and move on.

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We are talking about making it a church-wide program, there was talking of doing the teachings as a family and then breaking up into groups and having age appropriate things for the kids and more teaching for the adults. (I'm not sure how all of this is going to be planned out, but that's the thinking right now)




Well, that wouldn't interest me *at all.*


If you're going to have *Sunday school,* and you want it to be truly effective, then IMHO you have age-appropriate classes. Period. I'm trying to imagine whole famlies sitting together for teaching, breaking up into smaller groups, and from there going into a worship service. Just how long is this Sunday school supposed to last? It doesn't seem to me that there would be enough time to do anything other than very simple stuff.


If this method is what those two families are objecting to, I'd have to join them in the objections. I disagree with the thought that there should be *no* Sunday school because parents should be teaching at home, but I've already said what I think about that.


Although in general I understand and agree with majority rules, but Jonah was just one man, KWIM? Possibly these families *are* seeing something that could be changed or improved or whatever.

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