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Lori in MS

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Hi Everyone,


My 7th and 6th graders just began SWI B this week and they really like Mr. Pudewa's teaching on the dvds. I would like to get SICC after they complete what we have but we do not have the money at this time. Could it work for them to watch the TWSS dvds instead? We already have those. I do not what to teach writing myself as I already have a lot to do with 5 children. Do they have lesson plans for TWSS that are similar to the ones for SWI? I have appreciated knowing exactly what they needed to do each day.


What do you think?

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I only have the TWSS but there are no lesson plans included with it. It is merely teaches you what to do, you have to find sources and make up assignments yourself. If the SICC is too much, try one of the them series like ancient history. They are cheaper and teach the kids too, from what I understand.

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The TWSS is a seminar for the parents, it's not designed to be a writing course for the kids. It's to teach the parent how to teach writing. If you want Andrew to teach then you'll need to get the SICC. If you think they have learned the principles well after SWI-B then you could try one of the themed lesson plans. There are no dvds with the theme lessons, just the worksheets and lesson plans and writing assignments that all follow the program steps they learned in the SWI.


Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in here, I'm just getting ready to start SWI-B this fall with my 5th and 7th graders. But, this is what my research has led me to conclude.



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I'm just getting ready to start SWI-B this fall with my 5th and 7th graders. But, this is what my research has led me to conclude.




Thank you for this information. What are you going to do after you complete SWI B?


My children love the dvds. My preference would be to get the SICC if I can. I thought about doing a themed book, but didn't know which one to use. I wanted one on the B level. We are doing 1850 to Modern times this year and that time period was listed as Level C which I thought would be too hard.

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