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Figure skating questions

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My son started figure skating last year, and this is all new to me. He loves it, but I have no idea where we're going with this.


I'm curious about the levels. How often do your skaters test? How rapidly did they progress? Does your coach have a long range plan, or do they just kind of do the next test when they feel the skater is ready? I tried to discuss it with his coach, but she was pretty non-committal about it. I'm not in any hurry, and I don't want to rush ds, but I do like to have some idea of where we are headed. I can't tell if this is purely going to be recreational or if he is going to be competitive. I'm getting mixed messages, because she says he's progressing rapidly and has lots of potential, but he's done several competitions but only one test. I don't know what's typical. We have a small club and I don't know anyone there yet.


So far he's passed pre-preliminary. If you can enlighten me I'd appreciate it.

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Once he tests again he will move into another area of competition. That's why they don't move to quickly through the testing. Coaches and clubs vary widely in their approach to skating. You need someone you can talk with easily and trust your child with for vast amounts of time. I would see what your coach has done with other skaters. A large part of the whole picture is what your family wants to do re time, money and travel.

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My daughter is on a synchronized skating team and also has done competitions. I know the testing routine quite well.


The reason the coach may not want your son to test is because then when he competes he has to move up to the next level of competition. For example to compete in level A you have had to pass nothing higher than pre-preliminary but to compete in level B you had to have passed juvenile.


If he is just starting out I would let him get experience before jumping to the next level.


At least at our rink, the higher the level, the more practice time and the more lessons per week. We are at 3 lessons a week and that is my limit.

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