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Kenneth Branagh's Henry V-for what age range??

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I will cheerfully let my kids that age watch it, and they were introduced to it at a young age. I'm sure that there are nuances that they don't get. But I didn't feel that it was either totally over their head or so gory that they needed to not see it.

But for context, we also let them watch Tora! Tora! Tora! and Victory at Sea. I think it may be one to preview and then decide.


Percival Blakeney Academy

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That's my kids, dd's 12 & 7, both saw Sweeney Todd and loved it. Enough blood in that for a few movies, but it was so over the top, even the color of the blood itself. I always hate to recommend movies because my family seems to watch movies others would never watch (not bad or :eek:) just subtitled, indie, the stuff that never makes it out of the small art house theater in town. We are movie junkies in this house!

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