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Suggestions for keeping a carnivore happy..

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My dd12 HATES veggies, all sorts. She will eat carrots, cold out of a can. Occassionally peas and green beans if forced...also cold out of a can. She doesn't like salads, and hates condiments of all kinds, so masking veggie taste with dressing is a no-go.


Fruit is becoming hard for her, as she's developed allergies to bananas and all melons. I do try to get other fruits in her as often as possible. She has also tested sensitive to corn, soy, and nuts.


She will eat pasta, spagetti sauce, and meat. Potatoes, but only in certain forms.


No I do not cater to her whims. She eats what I make, or she goes without. She'll choose to go without many times.


Anyway, I'm thinking of supplementing her diet with vitamins, but I'm unsure what to have her take. :confused: I would love to change her diet, but seeing as her father and grandmother also have the same tastes, it's unlikely.

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Try Sneaky Chef. I got a copy of her book at the library and it is great. You can't even taste the veggies that she adds to baked goods and main course meals.




It helps if you puree the veggies in bulk and freeze them, (freeze in muffin tins and then pop into ziploc bags). Her recipes are much easier if the puree is ready to use.

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My son has not eaten a veggie in 6 years. Kid you not. Okay, he has severe autism and therefore self-limits his diet to 2 meals and has a strong gag reflex that no professional has been able to deal with. So... we hunted and hunted and found this. It's a greens supplement, but if you look at the ingredients, it's all really GOOD stuff. Beware alot of green supplements have grass in it :ohmy: but not this one. We don't use it as a drink, because he wouldn't drink it, and your dd probably won't either. But, we do put a pinch in every drink he has. You could do the same, and if she notices, then oh well. Her body needs those veggies, so if she won't eat them, then a pinch goes in everything. It is expensive, but one jar lasts us almost 2 years. So consider the good it will be doing her long term.

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