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Writing With Ease....now or later?


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I have WW1 and was planning on using it with my 7 yr olds this year. Now, I'm realizing that I have too much curriculum and I'm saving a few things for next year.


Is there a recommended age range for WW1. Could I save it until they are 8 or even 9?


I just don't want to put too much on their plate this year....writing wise.


Thank you!

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I have WW1 and was planning on using it with my 7 yr olds this year. Now, I'm realizing that I have too much curriculum and I'm saving a few things for next year.


Is there a recommended age range for WW1. Could I save it until they are 8 or even 9?


I just don't want to put too much on their plate this year....writing wise.


Thank you!


Yes you can save it till 8 or 9, but personally I would go ahead in 2nd grade if you can. Simply because the skills build on each other and if you start with a 9yo then you are playing catch up to get in all the skills for the first 4 levels and moving on, unless you are really relaxed in teaching writing so you will have time to do all the books without worry.



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I'd go ahead and use it this year too. Realistically, if you do the book according to the schedule, there are 2 days of writing per week until you get to the second half of the book, when they have to copy their narration summary sentence (then it's just 3 days of writing one sentence). I don't think it's ever taken us more than 10 minutes.


I agree with Heather that if you put it off until 8 or 9, you'll either feel rushed to "catch up" or you'll just skip it.

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