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Louis L'Amour for kids?

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Dh brought home a box of these old westerns. I know nothing about them and he didn't read them, they belonged to his cousin. Does anyone know if they would be appropriate for my 9 and 7 yos? Reading level isn't an issue, I'm more concerned about mature topics, violence, and inappropriate language.

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I personally haven't read any of them, but they were my dad's favorite books. He read them over and over. Knowing how my dad felt about things, he wouldn't have read them AT ALL if there was anything objectionable in them. I would bet anything they would be fine for your 9 and 7 yos.

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I remember that I read some as either a middle schooler or high schooler. We were on a trip and I didn't bring enough to read. So I picked up his books. The rest of the family read them, why not? I enjoyed them. I don't remember any excessive violence, but I read them over 20 years ago now.

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I really enjoy his books that are based on historical/cultural movements or events. I can't remember the titles right now, but he tends to approach history with a "There's nothing new under the sun" view that makes you really stop and think about all our "discoveries" and "progress."


I haven't read any for awhile because there's also a strong view of self-reliance and self-sufficiency that I found myself taking too seriously. I was raised to "go against the crowd" anyway, and his writing often influences me too far in that direction. (Sometimes other people actually do have good ideas . . . :)) There's also a lot of the "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone is not out to get you" mindset. A steady diet of his books tends to transfer that to me as well. (Not always a bad thing, but . . . :))


As for violence, while it's not a huge focus, it is present. I remember some scene in one about someone defending themselves against an attacker by piercing the jugular vein with a sharpened stick. There's a lot of "use whatever you have on hand" type of outlook. I think there's also the occasional obligatory d*** of a typical western in some of his books, but his characters usually have more imagination and larger vocabularies than to use such stuff too frequently.


Women tend to be independent and self-reliant as well. The men feel an urge to protect them, but they can generally protect themselves as well. A woman who needs to be sheltered, taken care of, and cherished would never make a heroine in one of his books, if that's important. I don't remember any flagrant s*x scenes, but threat of rape, etc. for the women would not be odd for his writing. (It's the type of stuff they end up protecting themselves against.)




Mama Anna

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We attended a homeschool convention with speakers, Bob & Tina Farewell. Louis L"Amour books were discussed and HIGHLY recommended.


They have gunfights and fighting... but IT IS A WESTERN. Bad guy is going to get killed! You may even find a few curse words.... but only a few and nothing shocking.


It is a REAL BOY BOOK! IT is about strong men, standing their ground, protecting the week, fighting against the bad guys, being a gentleman, etc. Great GUY stuff. NO metrosexual (or feminine) feelings and compromises ... no discussions and time outs... instead of a gun fight.;) They are real John Wayne style cowboys!


My son is 9 and he devours any that I find for him at the thrift stores. Go for it.... get him 1 and see how it goes.

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