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Do you correct spelling errors on outlines?


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not outlines for compositions and such.


Mostly no. I would correct for a word that was specific to the assignment and was going to get used a lot, but might not otherwise be a word they spelled frequently (for example, scientific terms, historic names, geographical locations, a book title--things like that). I don't think kids are expecting an outline to be a "polished" assignment--they are trying to get ideas down and organize them, and are focusing on that instead of spelling. I think it takes the wind out of their sails to come back and focus on spelling at this point in the writing process. Most of my comments would be on organization at this point, with only an "oh by the way, this name is spelled..." But the bulk of my comments would be to encourage them in their direction, or to ask questions as needed--to help them in their current goal of organizing their thoughts and deciding which ideas, thoughts, facts etc... are worthy of being included.


Merry :-)

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Thanks Merry!


I was thinking along the same lines. I would correct the mistakes myself and discuss the outline (mention the mistakes nonchalantly) and move on. I was taught to "throw it all up" when it comes to outlining, brainstorming, pre-writing and so on. I just could not recall the finer details.

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I didn't correct spelling mistakes when my son was younger, but started to in the sixth and seventh grade, and will be even more strict this coming year. I don't necessarily expect him to know how to spell every word (I am a horrible speller), but I do expect him to proofread and to use a dictionary if there's any question in his mind.


The one exception would be when we're brainstorming. But if it's an outline to go into his notebook or to be worked into a composition, then it needs to be correct.

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