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We will be using VT this year. There are sever options. Can you all tell me how it has worked best for you. (ie do you view a lesson every day, every other day and what about the quizes.)


In addition, it seems that the quizes are not cumulative, do you find that the students forget the material by the time they get to the unit test?


Thank you for you input.

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Dd14 watches a lesson and does the odd problems. The next day (or whenever a quiz comes up) she does the quiz. If she does well she moves on to the next lesson (on the same day). If she does poorly, she does the even problems for the previous lesson. The concepts build on each other so the student really needs to make sure he has mastered the material before moving on. The unit tests can be a challenge if the material was not truly mastered. One thing I have done when she did poorly on a unit test was to have her go back and correct the test and then take Test B as a 2nd actual test. Unit tests and cumulative unit tests take more than one day. She is in the middle of Module D.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you, thank you, thank you...


These responses have helped me tremendously. I was going to schedule the lessons ahead of time (which would have been a mistake) Now I see that I really need to stay on top of math, grade work everyday. When we used MUS he graded/corrected all of his work, then I graded the test at the end of each week. He only came to me when I got stuck. Doing poorly on his exams indicated that he hadn't been grading/correcting his work, so I'd go back grade it/make him redo it.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you...


These responses have helped me tremendously. I was going to schedule the lessons ahead of time (which would have been a mistake) Now I see that I really need to stay on top of math, grade work everyday. When we used MUS he graded/corrected all of his work, then I graded the test at the end of each week. He only came to me when I got stuck. Doing poorly on his exams indicated that he hadn't been grading/correcting his work, so I'd go back grade it/make him redo it.


My dd grades her own work. I'm not sure I would do that with all my children but she has the maturity level to handle it.

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