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recipes for fruit leather?

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I have a dehydrator. It's actually been sitting in my garage for several years. I used to make beef jerky in it, but it was such an enormous pain to clean that I stopped. My kids never cared for dried apples or bananas and neither did I, so I just put it away.


I never thought about fruit leather.


All three of my kids love fruit leather - even my extremely picky eater.


How do I make it?


I'm trying a sample batch right now, but the instructions in the manual for the dehydrator didn't have a recipe. It just said to pour the puree out on plastic wrap or parchment paper and let it dry for 1.5 days.


My sample batch has one cup of cherries (frozen) that I defrosted and then blended with 2 tbs sugar. I started off with no sugar, but my picky eater said it was too sour. I added more until she said it was okay. I'm willing for her to have sugar with her fruit just to get her to have the fruit.


Any favorite recipes?


Is parchment paper good to do this on or would I do better with plastic wrap?

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