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R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Chemistry


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Have you looked at the samples online? The sample includes the first 1/4 of the program including the supplies list. Chemistry is geared for 2nd-5th grades. My rising 3rd grader loves science (we did Life this past year) but after looking at the first portion of the Chemistry program, I think it would be over his head. We are going to do Earth this coming year and Chemistry the next so he can get more out of it.

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I agree with the previous poster about trying out Pandia's Try it before you buy it download. You're able to download a good chunk of the book, including the table of contents, materials list, supplemental reading list, and the first several chapters. What some people consider readily available materials can be quite difficult for others to obtain. :tongue_smilie: (I'm on the side of not ever having those "readily available" items)


I haven't already used it but have purchased it for use in the fall and am in the process of planning it all out and going over the material. I would venture to say that it would be quite difficult for a child in grade 1. Are you set on covering chemistry next year? If I had a grade 1 and was looking at doing chemistry, I'd probably look more at NOEO or a living book approach. REAL Science looks good but even my above grade level dd would not have been able to get much out of it in grade 1.

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I have it. We will be using it this school year. Even though we haven't actually used it yet, I have really

looked it over. First, it is recommended by the author for grades 2-5. Second, from what I observe, is that even though the experiments are simple enough for a first grader, I am not sure how much they would actually internalize. Some for sure, but keeping charts and filling out observation sheets...I'm not so sure about. I'm not saying it couldn't be gotten through, but to what benefit? If your first grader is the primary student and not a tag along, It's probably better to wait. However, if you were doing this with an older child and was wondering if your younger could go along for the ride, then I would say go for it...what's the harm? Actually, I was going to use it with my 10yo and let my 7yo "audit." :001_smile: No expectations, just let him glean what he can.



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We used Pandia's science for life science and earth science. We're doing chemistry this year, but we started before Pandia released this, so we got NOEO chemistry instead. I like it a whole lot better, learning from the large set of books it comes with instead of poorly illustrated print-outs.

So I don't know about Pandia's chemistry program specifically, but the two that we did use were pretty unimpressive. My daughter enjoyed it, sure, but it was a lot of work setting everything up each day for what we got out of it. And I didn't really like the home-made feel to it. It kinda seemed wrong to try to teach my daughter about the anatomy of a sea-star when the illustrations showed them with smiley faces and big cartoon eyes. Maybe I'm just being nitpicky though.

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