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KAR1200- Bite Size Physics

Country Girl

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I got very excited when I noticed in another thread you mentioned Bite Size Physics. I have been looking at this and was wondering if you use this? If so, for what ages and how is it working? How are you scheduling it?


Edited to add: did you buy the print copy from Lulu or did you get the on-line subscription?



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Took me a couple days to see this! Sorry!! :)


We do have the book (not the subscription), and we're using it with a group, so the group does the experiments together and DS and I read and do the end-of-chapter questions on our own. The group is all 8 and 9 year olds and it's working out great. With an enthusiastic kid you probably could go younger, but there is a bit of math (skippable math) that really aims a lot higher. If you're not "there" on the math it's fine, you don't have to do it, but it fits in very neatly. There is another group of older kids (11-12) using the same book, but separately... I assume they're doing all the math.


Since it's a group (scheduling...) and young (and almost all boys.... LOL) we've not gone very fast. We're about halfway through the book having done about 20 weeks of actual work. If it were just us (and doing science daily) I think we'd have gone twice as fast, but with the group it's been about two weeks per section. You can probably tweak it to fit whatever length you need.... I know most of the moms are counting the group as their science for the whole year.


I think it could easily go older too... the math that is in it is probably around early algebra 1 level. Not super super difficult but using variables and formulae. If you were using it with a high schooler I think maybe I'd beef it up a bit, and it would be of the "conceptual physics" family (9th grade) rather than the calculus type (12th grade/honors/AP). But it's lots of fun, solid science, and approachable by the very young and/or science-averse ;)


I sound like a commercial, don't I! LOL

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Thank you so much for this information. I am so glad to hear from someone who is actually using it and your take on the math. I contacted the author last summer because I was seriously considering using it with my 6yo ds who loves science, especially physical science, and had covered a lot of the beginning type physical science experiments and concepts on his own. I know the author and his website say the math can be skipped but I was a little skeptical about how well the program would go without it. It sounds like this is really doable. The author also said it had been used with younger but 6 might still be a bit young since the first 10 bites are more concrete but the later bites are more conceptual. My son has really advanced in his math this year and we have been doing a more systematic study of physics so now I'm thinking he may really be ready for this in the fall. It looks like such a great curriculum and laid out exactly how I would do it if I designed it myself.



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It looks like such a great curriculum and laid out exactly how I would do it if I designed it myself.

This is exactly what I think of it too!


I was just so thrilled to see a physics book that had the experiments so neatly tied in to the text and the concepts in just exactly the order I would have put them in.


Hope you enjoy it as much as we have!

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