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Truthquest History?


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Ok, forgive me I'm exhausted and overwhelmed with curriculum thoughts. I was hoping to get some guidance from some who have used TH.


I have the American History 1 guide. Is this to be used over 1 yr or longer. Also, how did you schedule it?


It looks great, but really packed with info(which is good). Thanks and hope this made sense ;)

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I used this last year with my children. Over the summer, I made a list of all the books that our library had. I then bought a few that sounded really good that our library did not have. After that, I made a list of books and their call numbers. When school started, I just went down the list reading books to the kids and assigning some of the books for them to read on their own. I would read the commentary in TQ when we got to a certain section. We covered it in one year, but we by no means read every book. For some sections, I couldn't get any books, so we read the commentary and moved on. Some books I had on my list, we ran out of time for. No big deal. The kids really enjoyed the year and learned a ton. Oh, and they made a movie after I assigned them to do something--anything, their choice--that showed me they had learned about Colonial America. They blew us away with it. Everything they put into their movie came from what they had learned simply reading through the book list.

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We use Truthquest in our household for our older daughter (age 15). For scheduling, I do something similar as the other poster does. Basically, I purchase a few spine books and any books the library does not carry. Then I assign reading and discussion. I also add hands-on activities. Since my daughter is older, she is assigned writing as well. For hands-on we use Hands of a Child Project Packs relating to the topic being studied. I go through the pack and Truthquest Guide and mark the related activity with the associated commentary. She also does drawings related to the topic. I have used Draw and Write Through History to spark her interest. We typically finish the guide in a year.

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