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Virginia & Maryland for HSing...

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We live in Northern VA, and it is easy here. We file a notice of intent each year by Aug. 15, and then one option is you have to have the kids tested yearly, and those results are sent in by Aug. 1 of the following year. Another option is to have a teacher evaluate your child's work over the past year and submit something to the superintendent saying the child has made acceptable progress (I've never used this option, so I think I've got it right, but I could very well be off!). We've always just tested, since I like to know where the kids stand.


Another option is to file for religious exemption status, and once you get that, you basically don't have to file anything again. We have friends who have done this, but again, I don't have any personal experience with it.


There is trememdous homeschool support here in Northern VA, with TONS of homeschool opportunities--classes, sports teams, etc. It's a great place to homeschool!

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I'm not familiar with the laws in Maryland, but in VA homeschooling is super easy. You have four options under which to file your Notice of Intent to Homeschool, which is NOT an "application" and can not be "approved" by your local board of education. Testing is one of several available options for reporting, but it's not required. I personally use the portfolio option and just send in samples of my childrens' work in language arts and math showing "adequate progress" (the only subjects for which you are required to report until high school.)

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