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recommendation: 2 frugal books I've just read

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Not Buying It: My Year Without Shopping by Judith Levine


America's Cheapest Family Gets you Right on the Money: Your Guide to Living Better, Spending Less, and Cashing in on Your Dreams by Steve and Annette Economides (appropriate last name :lol:)


Interesting reads though I found myself skipping some parts. I'm trying to read the books my library offers on frugality, trying to pick up a little advice. I personally do not like The Tightwad Gazette.

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I read Not Buying It last year. It was very thought provoking, if a little too political for me. Plus, she didn't have children, which I think throws the premise off. Of course you have to buy them clothes when they outgrow stuff. Do you think you could go a year, or a month, or a week, without buying anything (except absolute necessities)? Me, not so much. Still, interesting book--and maybe I need the reminder, as I was just about to hop over to amazon! :)

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I skipped over all the political stuff which really got heavy towards the end of her 12-month project. What I got from the book is to scrutinize purchases to make sure the money is well spent. I found that I had more in common with her ideas than I thought I would. There have been so many things I wouldn't think twice about paying for that I now look at as overspending.

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