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MUS families - I have a favor to ask


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We are more than half way through our Delta level and have a problem. Dd accidently broke our instructional DVD. :D I really need the DVD to teach and am really wondering what to do.


I checked with our MUS rep and she said she doesn't have a used one to sell me, that it would cost $25 to buy the DVD, which dh and I thought was ridiculous.


Would anyone consider lending me a Delta DVD for 6-8 weeks? If not, could anyone maybe just copy lessons 23-31 and send them to me? I don't want to be dishonest with anything surrounding copyright issues, but we are currently in the process of spending hundreds of dollars as we buy books and supplies for next year, bit by bit.


If anyone would consider helping us out, I would appreciate it so much!




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I hope this doesn't get lost in the black hole as the board keeps moving. If you see it getting buried, would you consider bumping it up? We need to figure out a solution as soon as possible.


Thanks dear WTM friends!




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We are more than half way through our Delta level and have a problem. Dd accidently broke our instructional DVD. :D I really need the DVD to teach and am really wondering what to do.


I checked with our MUS rep and she said she doesn't have a used one to sell me, that it would cost $25 to buy the DVD, which dh and I thought was ridiculous.


Would anyone consider lending me a Delta DVD for 6-8 weeks? If not, could anyone maybe just copy lessons 23-31 and send them to me? I don't want to be dishonest with anything surrounding copyright issues, but we are currently in the process of spending hundreds of dollars as we buy books and supplies for next year, bit by bit.


If anyone would consider helping us out, I would appreciate it so much!





We are still using ours, and will be for the next several weeks. But I have a couple of ideas ... Have you posted this question on the MUS support group (the Yahoo one)? Also, I know the reps are our first point of contact, but if you could email Steve Demme or someone close to him directly, you might get a different answer. Particularly if you bought it directly from MUS (if you did). As a former retailer, I really think if you keep bugging them (always sweetly), you will eventually get what you need. It really is a customer service issue.


Good luck,



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Those are good tips. I'm not a member of the MUS groups, but I will check into it. In the meantime, if anyone else has a Delta DVD lying around that is available to loan out or purchase for a much lower price - please let me know.




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We are only up to Gamma, so I can't help you. I just wanted to say that the same thing happened at the beginning of our year with our Gamma dvd. We purchased it new directly from MUS, so I expected to get at least a discount for the repeat purchase. No such luck though. I had to fork out the $25 for the replacement. I have 4 youngers that will eventually use it, so I guess it wasn't that big of a deal. But it did seem like purchasing a replacement should have warranted at least a small discount--especially since I had purchased all 3 of the levels we've done so far brand new directly from them. Oh well, I guess every business is entitled to make their own policies:glare:. (sure would be nice if I agreed with all of them:))

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I have been offered the use of a DVD and I am sooooo grateful. The hive is awesome!!


Then I got an e-mail reply from Steve Demme with an offer to help. Wow! I wouldn't have had the courage to even ask him if it weren't for the hive. Thank you hive, thank you!




Edited by HSMom2One
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