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Does anyone afterschool with Ambleside?

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Has anyone done afterschooling with Ambleside online? I'm sort of undecided about whether to afterschool or homeschool long term, but if the school focuses on math and reading (as I know they will in the early years), it seems like Ambleside would be a good compliment to that. Has anyone done it? How did it work out for you?

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I think that Ambleside would be a nice choice. But I know for my DS who attends ps, it was important for me to lay a better foundation for math, phonics, and handwriting than he receives at school. So in addition to reading Ambleside-type books, we spend about 30 minutes every morning (4-5 days/week) working on the basics. We do our "before schooling" year-round, with occasional weekly breaks.


I see from your siggie that you are already doing the 3 Rs, just wanted to mention what is working for us. Best wishes to you!

Edited by Mama2Three
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The readings from Ambleside would be great for in the evenings. I'm planning to combine Ambleside literature selections and other selected books from their curriculum with our study of SOTW this year. I just love to curl up on the couch with my littles and read a good story.

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