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Is there a Christian position that s*x outside of marriage is NOT a sin?

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I'm not a Catholic, but I do know a few who disagree with the official church position on subjects. One thing I appreciate about the Catholic church is that these people are not excluded from the community because they hold differing views or because they are irregular church attenders. Nobody says, "Nope, you're not a Catholic."


I don't know about in other places, but in New England, at least, the Catholics seem to be a very inclusive, rather than exclusive community, the individual members accepting and non-judgmental even about outsiders like myself, and I admire this.


Yes, there are plenty who disagree. Anyone may come to the Catholic Church. The issues come up with receiving Communion and marriage and remarriage (another topic for another day, please). Even my Traditional Catholic chapel welcomes everyone to attend Mass.


Where in New England are you? I am in southern MA.

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Yes, there are plenty who disagree. Anyone may come to the Catholic Church. The issues come up with receiving Communion and marriage and remarriage (another topic for another day, please). Even my Traditional Catholic chapel welcomes everyone to attend Mass.


Where in New England are you? I am in southern MA.


Vermont. There are quite a few Catholics up here although not as many as when we lived in Rhode Island. I found an interesting difference between more established French Canadian and Irish Catholics and the newer Portuguese, Brazilians, and Hispanics. Not fundamental, and mostly just cultural, but it was interesting to see how they came together.

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My suggestion would be is to ask where your sister can prove in the Bible that sex without marriage is not a sin. Just one example. Think of David and Bathsheba. He went so far as to not only have sex prior to marriage (and to a woman who was already married) he even killed to cover up the fact he also had a baby as a result of that sin!


Thought that might be a help.



Edited by mikeandlisa1995
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I'm not sure I understand. I would certainly agree that the New Testament is more important to understanding Christianity than the Old Testament, surely you don't think the Old Testament should be completely discarded? If not, isn't it reasonable to quote from the OT as well? And isn't there disagreement among Christian sects as to which parts of the OT are still applicable?
What I was saying is that you disregarded the gospels in some posts, focusing on the Hebrew Scriptures, and then in others, focused on only the words of Jesus. It didn't make sense to be doing both alternately.
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Just to be clear: Jehovah's Witnesses meetings are open to the public. Non-witnesses will be welcomed and not judged. (We actually had criminals hide out from the police on day!) We will not socialize with those who are expelled from the congregation, but they are welcome to attend.

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Elizabeth, you continue to make judgments about the state of other people's knowledge of the Bible and to denigrate such without any information upon which to base that judgment other than that they do not appear to agree with you.


Let me share with you *my* position: I was very deeply involved with the Christian Church for over 30 years, with experience in the Presbyterian, Assembly of God and Episcopal Churches. I have read and studied the Bible extensively during that period, including multiple translations and a 4 year course on lay ministry (which included theology and the Bible, including in its historic context) through an Episcopal seminary (a course called Education for Ministry). I have read the Bible "cover to cover" multiple times. I have I have spent a year studying the Tanakh with a Reform Jewish rabbi, as well as spent many years reading extensively about Judaism (in its varying forms) from Jewish authorities.


The fact that I do not agree with the tenets of the Bible or think that asking "according to whom" when someone lays out as definitive what "the Bible says" is appropriate does not come from a lack of knowledge of its message, either to the Jews or the Christians. It does not arise from my being "confused", "under-educated", "narcissistic","intellectually lazy", "prideful", "dishonest", "unable to understand reason", "ethically challenged", etc


So you weren't being sincere in your expressed desire to understand what proof texting was. You were simply playing head games.


There's a serious disconnect between your world view and mine. I really had no clue where you were coming from. I thought you were sincere. Initially at least, I tend to assume everyone is. Thanks for reminding me of just how naive I am.

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