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Need help--eliminate smoking odor from used book

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I bought a book online from an Amazon used book seller, and it smells so strongly of cigarette smoke that we cannot use it. (Should I have expected this problem to be disclosed, or is this something you always have to ask about when buying used?:confused: ) Is there any way to eliminate the odor? TIA!

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There are several things you can do.

1) You can put used dryer sheets in between some of the pages (don't use ones that haven't been put through the dryer because of the oils).


2) You can take a plastic bin and put kitty litter in the bottom of it. Take a second bin and put it inside the first bin, on top of the kitty litter. Put the book inside the second bin. Put a lid over top of the whole thing (on the first bin). Let sit.

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I would use baking soda. Sprinkle through out the books and set in the Sun if possible.

I am chemically sensitive so I would NEVER use dryer sheets. If you are that sensitive to the smoke you may be affected with the sheets also. The soda will absorb the odor instead of covering it up.

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We had this same thing happen to us with a very pricey Easton Press book from ebay. We out dryer sheets in the book, as suggested above, and the odors are now ALL gone, not just masked. We used UNUSED dryer sheets, and none of the pages were damaged. I put them in the book on every other page and set it in the garage for awhile since I couldn't even stand to have the book in the house. Worked like a charm!

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Thank you for all the great suggestions--I have hope now!


For my future purchases--do most of you always contact the seller first to ask if a used book has a smoke odor, or do you assume that it doesn't if the seller hasn't indicated?

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I used to think that the seller would say if it smelled of smoke, just as if he would say a page was ripped. But, that was not a good assumption to make! I think that most sellers say "from a non-smoking home" if it is indeed from a non-smoking home. All others will just not say one way or the other, because smokers don't care and it would turn away potential buyers who might care. It is sort of false advertising (with holding information) but what can you do. From now on, I would just send them a quick email and ask them if it comes from a smoking environment.



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Maybe I need better dryer sheets.


I've had the sheets in this chemistry book for almost a year now, and it STILL stinks to high heaven.


I can't even get another copy because it is out of print, and the cheapest one I found was over $50.


I guess I'll try the baking soda or kitty litter route.




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