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I need help with DD's IOWA results. What to do now?


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X-post from the HS board.


I recieved my upcoming 9th grader's IOWA results today( taken at the end of 8th grade) and I am less than thrilled. Last year she did well in reading comprehension but did below average in math. We switched from Saxon to Chalkdust and her math score this year is about the same as last. I really had hoped her scores would have improved after a year of CD.


Also, her reading comprehension scores went down, which shocked me.


The subsections are:

Factual Understanding

Inference and Interpretation

Analysis and Generalization


We used TOG last year and my plan is to continue with that this year. What do you recommend I use/do to help with the reading comp?


I have no idea what to do about math either. She doesn't like it, has always struggled and I am not sure CD is the right choice for her anymore.


I am open to any ideas. Thanks!

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I like the Reading Comprehension in Varied Subject Matter books for test prep like that. They really help the kids learn what kind of answers are expected and how to look for that information. Here is a link to the RR listing for the series I have used. I think that is one of those specific skills that can be improved and doesn't reflect the child's reading level, just her ability to answer that type of question which happen to be on all the standardized tests.


For math, do you have a better breakdown of what areas needs the most improvement in? And what level of math did she do this year?

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I like the Reading Comprehension in Varied Subject Matter books for test prep like that. They really help the kids learn what kind of answers are expected and how to look for that information. Here is a link to the RR listing for the series I have used. I think that is one of those specific skills that can be improved and doesn't reflect the child's reading level, just her ability to answer that type of question which happen to be on all the standardized tests.


For math, do you have a better breakdown of what areas needs the most improvement in? And what level of math did she do this year?


Thank you. I will check out the books you linked. She did CD pre-algebra this year. Her worst areas were problem solving specifically approaches and procedures and multi-step problems. She was above the national average on the rest of the math, but the scores she got on the problem solving part brought her % down over all.

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I don't know if they have a suitable level, but Reading Detective really helped Calvin on the interpretation and analysis of texts. The passages are not thrilling, but it's the kind of intensive practice that she might need as a supplement.




Thank you. I will look at these.

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Problem solving? Well-then..... May I humbly suggest Singapore Challenging WP? Or something by Edward Zaccaro such as Become a Problem Solving Genius or the Primary Grade Challenge Math. The challenge math is supposed to be for elementary students, but includes chapters on: Sequences, Problem-solving, Money, Percents, Algebraic Thinking, Negative Numbers, Logic, Ratios, Probability, Measurements, Fractions, Division. She should find the actual math easy and perhaps be more open to the problem solving techniques. My library carries the Zaccaro books.



I'd not change math programs again at this point if the only deficiency was in problem solving, especially multi-step problems.

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