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I don't know where to start! We have so much stuff for school and I am convinced the stuff we have is necessary. We've got books, art supplies, science supplies, school supplies (folders, binders etc), games, manipulatives etc. I know part of the problem is the limited space. I do have a "school room" but I can't fit everything in here! Therefore, I have two hall closets and an armoir filled with games. OK- maybe I am overboard on the games, but they are games we use in our school or will use. How do I tone it down? How do you store things? Ideally I want to use clear plastic bins (which I also have several of) and label them. What about the books? I can't seem to part with the books- not curriculum because I do tend to sell those when I am done and don't have another child that will use it. But the fun books that we love to curl up on the couch and read, I can't part with them, but they are taking over the house. Any suggestions? Words of wisdom? Slap on the wrist or lecture??:tongue_smilie:

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Believe me--I totally understand. :D I'd maybe take a close look at the games, and decide which ones are really are/going to be used. Be honest, and strict with yourself. As far as storage, I prefer to keep games in closed storage, since in my opinion they have such a messy look.


When it comes to books, since you said these are books you are still reading, if you've got bookcases and space, I think it's okay to keep them available and out. If you don't have room, and don't want to part with them, could you keep some boxed away, and then switch them out every so often? We do something like that with toys.


If space is an issue, take a fresh look around your house and decide if you could rearrange things to be more efficient. These are a couple of blogs that I like to look at for organizing/homeschooling ideas:


Wildflowers and Marbles


By Sun and Candlelight


(These have a Catholic flavor, btw, but I think anyone could glean great ideas from both).

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We keep our science supplies in a cabinet in the kitchen. I store math manipulatives individually in ziploc bags and then put the bags in the large plastic container on our bookcase. I spread our read alouds and fun reading books all over the house. Some are in the kids' bedrooms, some in the family room and the rest on a bookself in our den.


Can you move your board games to the family room to make more room in the den?


I use magazine holders for my kids workbooks. They keep them upright on their desk:




I hope you get more suggestions.

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My school room is 8 x 13 and has openings on all four walls, one window, one set of french doors, two doors to other rooms. Total bummer.


What really helped me was to move everything that we did not need for the current term out of the room. I've stored some books that we will need in future years out into the garage, in big tubs that are labeled (an idea I got from Colleen). I have a few Professor Noggin games in the room, that pertain to the subjects that we're studying this year. All the closed spaces, cupboards and drawers that I can't see into, I will label this summer. My son's books that he uses daily are in a small plant stand next to his chair, so there is no walking around and searching between subjects.


I collected things that I thought I might use, but then didn't, because I could never find what I needed when I wanted it, and was simply overwhelmed. It wasn't until I realized I could really pare down that we totally took off with our schooling, actually.


I love that Wildflowers and Marbles blog, btw. I just found that the other day, and it's inspiring. I am not a big blog reader, but I cannot stop looking at those pictures!


I will post a couple pictures later in the day, so you can see our tiny space, if you'd like.

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