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I'd like to begin studying Latin...Henle? suggestions?

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Sorry--I'm sure this has been asked before, but I'm having a hard time searching for it. I have no real background in Latin (a tiny bit of exposure in highschool). My children are not school-age yet, but I plan to use the Prima Latina, etc. series when they are old enough. So anything I use for myself now would be nice to to be able to use again later with my kids. I'm thinking about buying Henle (with the Memoria Press guide). Would this be a good idea? Is there anything else you would suggest? Any experiences you could share? Thanks in advance!

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If you are going to use Latina Christiana, you do not need any background in Latin. Just learn it right along side of your children. I did use the DVD's that go along with LC and they were very helpful especially if you don't have a strong Latin background. You shouldn't have any trouble and I don't think you need to waste time with Henle unless you really want to:confused: I just received Henle with all the accompanying guides and such and it does not look super user friendly, like LC. In fact, you may be able to skip Henle all together as Memoria has there new first form stuff coming out which I believe is supposed to me better suited for homeschoolers. It should all be out way before your kids need it. I didn't get that for my dd because she is taking the Memoria Press online class this year and they use Henle instead of First Form, right now.


HTH. :)



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Thanks for your reply Beth! I am interested in studying Latin for my own benefit (as well as to help my kids later). I was interested in Latin when I was in school, but just never did much with it at the time.

Anyone else???

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I'm studying Latin with Henle and the MP guide and it's great for self-teaching. Very step-by-step. My only problem is what to do for the quizzes and tests. There are some available from MP as well, I think. I recommend Henle. (Oh, it is definitely Catholic, but as an adult I don't mind it. Just FYI.)


Now I just need a little prodding to resume my studies. :001_huh: Knitting has overtaken my little bit of free time.

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