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How do you get smart??

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My problem is the thinking part. I don't know how to do that very well. Just reading can get me far enough but not exactly to the point. I am learning this lately. Most people know a little about many subjects, but not many know few subject deeply and even fewer know how to think about and thorough it well.


This is so true!! :iagree:


I read mostly in English (no Polish libraries around here), but online I read in Polish a lot, occasionally in Russian.


Cool!! I have a Polish reader here that I cannot even begin to try to read! hehehehe It will take me years before I can crack that book open. ;) :)

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There is some great recommendations on this thread. I used to think I was smart and sometimes I am but more often than not especially here I am left feeling like the dunce in the room. I find that even stuff I used to be able to read and understand I no longer can. Maybe my brain has been shrivelling up since I had the kids I don't know, but I am taking notes from this thread and we will see if I can change that and start getting smarter.



Ha I thought there was someone else in this room with me! :) hehehe I call them "mommy brains" hehehe You are definitely not alone. :)

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I've learned a lot by admitting I don't know something.



I like this everything in this post.

And I agree that admitting you don't know something and not being afraid to ask questions until you do understand it is the best way to get smart.


When I was in nursing school I remember asking alot of questions.

One day this real snotty girl was rude and acted like I should know the answer.

After class SEVERAL smart people (as in straight A's) came up to me and said they were glad I asked because they didn't get it either.


This has happened to me several times in group settings. No one will know the answer and yet they are afraid to admit they don't understand. Fortunately for me, I think I am smart when I can ask for clarification. I would rather look stupid to the teacher or another nurse than to hurt a patient because I was too afraid to admit I do not know everything.

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I like this everything in this post.

And I agree that admitting you don't know something and not being afraid to ask questions until you do understand it is the best way to get smart.


When I was in nursing school I remember asking alot of questions.

One day this real snotty girl was rude and acted like I should know the answer.

After class SEVERAL smart people (as in straight A's) came up to me and said they were glad I asked because they didn't get it either.


This has happened to me several times in group settings. No one will know the answer and yet they are afraid to admit they don't understand. Fortunately for me, I think I am smart when I can ask for clarification. I would rather look stupid to the teacher or another nurse than to hurt a patient because I was too afraid to admit I do not know everything.



Very well said ma'am. :) And very smart thinking too if I may say so. :)

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