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Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, just got Omnibus III books in the mail......

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Dd and I looked through the boxes together. I love good books. And these are GREAT books!


However, I forbade dd from starting in on them tonight. She still has an algebra test and a Latin final to take over the next couple of days, and she's been known to stay up ALL NIGHT LONG reading new books. Her brain would be on Animal Farm, or 1984, or Frankenstein, or Pride and Prejudice, :drool:.... instead of 3rd declension adjectives and quadratic equations. :blink:


Aren't I the meanest mom in the world?!?!???


Kind of like showing her a box of candy, and then telling her she can only look at them!


I, however, am going to be up late tonight!! I can't wait to get started.


Cheers, Jackie

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Some don't like it, but I loved Frankenstein. It was so different from anything I'd read! Animal Farm is great, too. Of course, SOME Great Books are Greater Than Others! :lol:

(Come back to that, if you don't know what I'm referring to...):D

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Some don't like it, but I loved Frankenstein. It was so different from anything I'd read! Animal Farm is great, too. Of course, SOME Great Books are Greater Than Others! :lol:

(Come back to that, if you don't know what I'm referring to...):D


????Enlighten me. Please

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