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I don't *get* Great Books


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Okay, maybe I am stupid or something. I have been to the Great Books website a million times. I even got a sample from them. I think it is Level 3.


It seems that this is geared for a classroom? Or a co-op?


Where would I start? What would I order? I have an 11 yo. What is this program *exactly*. It seems as if the books are just small stories within one book. Not a full lit program.


You can use this with one child? If someone can explain this to me in very simple terms I would appreciate it.


Okay, I am crawling under my rock now.



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Many years ago, I bought a couple of packages from the "Junior Great Books" program. Disappointingly, the manuals made clear that the program was designed for group discussion, even though the "PR" claimed it could be used at home with a single child. Everything still sits in our curricula closet.

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My dd9 has done GB Junior as part of a co-op. I really haven't been impressed. Now the real Great Books program for high schoolers/adults is another story. The original GB program started by Mortimer Adler was an attempt to be part of the 'great conversation' of Western civilization (history, literature, science, philosophy) etc. GB Junior seems (so far to us) to be an attempt at teaching folklore as literature to kids. DD does enjoy the stories, but it's not what I thought it would be.



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