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Foreign Language Question


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I am torn about how to proceed with a foreign language. We currently live in Italy. I did not start Latin as recommended by WTM in favor of studying Italian with my 3rd grade daughter. We will be moving to Germany next summer for 2-3 years. I don't know if we should go ahead and begin German so that she can have 3-4 years of one language or continue with Italian this last year while we are in Italy. I also don't know what to do with Latin?! Honestly, I'm afraid that if we try to do Latin, that I won't give adequate time to the other language. Would it be better to focus on one and do it well?

Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!



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If you think you only have time to do one language, then I would definitely stick with your local one: it is such a wonderful opportunity for immersion that I don't think you should miss it. If you do Latin later or never do Latin.... well, it's not the end of the world, and your child may end up being one of the few English speakers who are really fluent in another language.


Best wishes



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Thank you for your thoughts, Laura. I've learned to be more realistic in what we can get done so I think we're a "one language at a time" family. Who knows, maybe we'll work it in once we're in a good routine.

Thanks again!


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I think you should definitely study German. You'll want to go out sightseeing and take advantage of the opportunities available. There may be classes and activities on base. Check with the Family Services Center (or equivalent) and find out what kinds of things your family might be able to participate in for language practice.


Now, it's up to you whether you continue with Italian, but if you have a way to review periodically, if there are any games or videos or songs or conversational phrases that you can easily work into your free time, it might be nice to hold onto what you've already learned.


Blessings on your journey!

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