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Any J.D Salinger fans out there?

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I was re-reading his Nine Stories the other night, and realized how simply sweet and alive they have remained to me, as I have aged. The Laughing Man, whose references I once spent a long weekend at a university library, reading serials from the 20's, and the famous (at the time) real-life father-daughter pair that adventured over the globe; Du D-S's Blue Period, which still makes me laugh; Down at the Dingy, which I understand now, being a mother and sometimes called upon to comfort a worried child, etc. etc.


Or, years back, when my non-literary brother (indeed this was probably the only time we discussed a work of fiction) mentioned, after reading a copy of Franny and Zooey I'd left in his apartment, how much the Glass family was like ours. I had to laugh. To compare a Catholic-Jewish family of vaudvilians living on the Upper East Side to our science professor, free-thinking family in the rural midwest was outwardly crazy, but then I realized that Salinger had gotten across *what it was like to be from a large family of lively and independent kids*.


Okay. You got this far. I think you love Salinger, or perhaps have a teen studying him. Years ago I spent a spring break making copies of all Salingers unrepublished short stories. I went to 4 libraries in NYC and tracked each one down (except Hapworth 16, which I had in a rare republished copy). So, I'm cleaning house, and I have two stacks of all these Xeroxed stories I'll be happy to mail, for free, to two people who are interested, or who have interested teens. Anyone interested?

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WHAT?!?! Unrepublished short stories? You jest. You jest at the expense of those whose little hearts skipped a beat.


(Yes, huge Salinger fan... not just slightly annoyed that he has not been so, uh, prolific as one would hope. :glare: )

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Okay, My Crazy House and the person who PM'd me two minutes later get them. (I think you want them, MyCrazyHouse??)


I warn they are not "great literature". He picked his "Nine Stories" as the nine best, I'll tell you, but it is definitely Salinger. PM me My Crazy House, and send me your address.


Thank you all for playing...

Edited by kalanamak
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