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Do I want to get Meet the Masters 3 Level bundle for $45?

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Homeschool Buyer's Co-op has extended their special until 5/31. You get 3 levels with access to the online stuff for 3 years for $44.95. Sounded great and I was ready to jump on it, but now the "3 yr access" has me concerned. Would it be worth it? Will it cost me a small fortune to print what we need? What if I don't get thru it all in 3 yrs? Could I print what we needed and still use the program if time runs out on the online access?


(I really like hard copies!) I'm tired of e-books, downloads, and digital editions. Just give me a darn book! I really like the look of the program, though.




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Did you go to their website? They have a video on there that explains the program. I have not used it, but I think the price is right and it looks pretty good.


I'm with you on downloading and printing stuff out. I prefer a book. I might be willing to use something like this online though.


I don't think you will get a better price on an art program that is all put together and step by step.


I did go to the site, but didn't watch the video. I'll do that now. I do think the price is good, too, I just soooo prefer things I can hold in my hand!


We got it and have really enjoyed it. I just went ahead and printed everything. Then, I organized it all into a binder.





How many pages per level would you say it takes to print out? Is it still a usable program after your online access is up?




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I would estimate that I printed out about 70 pages per level.


We have only completed 3 lessons, but I think you could use the program after your online access is up. You would need to find the art pictures that are discussed and you wouldn't have the audio section. It wouldn't be quite the same program, but I still think it would be usable.



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I'm with you on downloading and printing stuff out. I prefer a book.


I do, too, and hate to see more and more companies eliminating the printed book option. I know it costs them more money to offer the printed versions, but I will gladly pay extra for the convenience.


And, as stupid as it sounds, it doesn't feel like a "real book" to me when I print pages and stick them in a binder.


Guess I'm just getting old and crabby... :glare:



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Thanks to you ladies, I just purchased it for my youngest. If my dd is home, she can do it with him. She has designed similar units for her dbs, but it takes a lot of time for her to make them. This should help.


Cat, I know what you mean about holding the book , too. I don't mind the cost of printing so much as I loathe paying $6-9 for a really sturdy binder:D

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