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Sonlight + LCC??? Anyone use these together?


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We lean strongly toward Latin Centered Curriculum, but we have 4 children close in age, and I'm always looking for ways to streamline and combine teaching time. Does anyone use Sonlight as a tool in a Latin Centered Curriculum? If so, how exactly would one go about blending these?

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I don't know, as SL and LCC seem completely opposed to each other in both philosophy and methodology. LCC is much more *focused*, whereas SL is extremely broad.


If you were to try to combine these two philosophies which are at opposite ends of the spectrum, then you're not really doing either one... you're just doing your own thing. ;)


Might take a look at My Father's World for something more "in between"?

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I agree with the pp that LCC and Sonlight are pretty far apart. While Sonlight books would make good independent or out-of-school reading, to do a full core in an LCC way (with its focus on multa non multum and studying just a few, excellent books indepth) would require jettisoning the schedule and cutting a good 75% of the books out of school time, leaving them for book basket or pleasure reading. You'd be better off just using Sonlight as a book list. But there's no reason why you can't combine your kids for literature and history and other content areas, a la Sonlight, whatever books you use.


The LCC yahoo group would probably have some good info for modifying LCC to work with a large family.

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We are, well... sort of, for the history part anyway. :)


Here's what we do... I follow the LCC schedule all week but have added in 30minutes for Sonlight each day. We were actually doing Sonlight already when I found LCC and, for now anyway, I just don't want to give it up. But I have streamlined it by choosing just the best books I want to read or leaving out a few activities. I set the time limit and then we read to that time, any more is done after the rest of school is all finished. It really hasn't affected us too much and my children are thriving with it.



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