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question about interpreting results from ADD testing

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I took my oldest to a neuropsychologist 4 years ago for an ADD evaluation. I was very disappointed in the doctor. When he was done with the testing, he just told me that she was very ADD-inattentive and threw medication at me. I was ready to try medication at that point, because we'd already tried pretty much everything else, but I was hoping for a lot more interaction with him. As it turns out, my dd had bad reactions to every medication we tried and none of them helped at all. After the 4th medication, she said she didn't want to do it anymore, so we stopped.


I think it may be time to revisit the idea. She's in 10th grade now and is even further from the norm.


I found the paperwork the doctor gave me last time. The doctor never explained any of it to me. Can any of y'all take a crack at it?



-3.78 response time (half 1)

-2.36 D prime (half 2)

-3.33 variability (total)


-9.47 ADHD score

A score of -1.80 or less (more negative) is suggestive of ADHD while a score more than 1.80 (more positive) is not.


There are graphs showing omission (inattention), commision (impulsivity), response time, and variability.


Omission was <0.1 percentile.


Commission was 50th percentile in the 1st, 75th percentile in the 2nd, 34th percentile in the 3rd, and 2nd percentile in the 4th.


Response time was less than 0.1percntile up to 2nd percentile.


Variability was 1st percentile for 1st, <0.1percentile for 2nd, 0.3 percentile for 3rd, and not listed for 4th.


They also did the GORT-4. The note on this test said, "As testing progressed, she became restless and began reading faster, skipping and repeating numerous words despite being told to slow down and read accurately." She's my early reader who has always been a fantastic reader, but she scored 42nd percentile overall.

75th percentile = rate

37th percentile = accuracy

50th percentile = fluency

37th percentile = comprehension


They did a WRAT3.

81st percentile reading

81st percentile spelling

90th percentile arithmetic


I have the vigilance and distractibility data also, but it doesn't have any percentiles or standard scores, just number correct and number of omissions/commissions.


What does all of this mean?

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Honestly, I don't really know.


I do know that there are other newer meds out there for ADD that might help. What meds did she try? At what doses? What reations did she have?


You might want to look for a TOP NOTCH psychiatrist that can help you find a medication that might work for her.


It took us trials of several ones to find one that worked for us---Dexedrine which is actually a much older med.


For my dh though a high dose fish oil (at least 1000mg of EPA per day) really helps his ADHD.

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We tried omegabrites for several years. It made a big difference at first. Her taekwondo teacher actually asked me if she had started taking medication because of the huge difference in her ability to focus in class. The difference didn't last more than a few months though. I continued to have her take it for two years, but it didn't seem to be doing anything anymore. I had her stop taking it for several months and then started her on it again. That time it didn't make any difference at all.

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