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Total Transformation program(please tell me your experience!)

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I cannot comment as to positive or negative because we decided to go a different route. My parents were willing to help us pay for this program when we were having trouble with our daughter--she was 4 at the time. So I went to the webpage to investigate it.


I was disturbed that I couldn't look at any of the materials. I only saw reviews from people, but none of them were specific. I saw nothing that indicated a methodology. For something of this price, I really wanted more knowledge of the ins and outs of the program, any research, etc. I found nothing. Therefore I decided against it.


What ended up working for us was going back to what worked for potty training: a reward chart with a child-picked/parent-approved reward, a goal number of stars, and 5 objectives to work toward weekly. It's worked very well for us. Though like I said, my daughter is young. That may not be the type of thing you need in your situation.

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motherdear, in that case, you might try the TT. It's a risk free trial. There are some good things in it. The part I like most is that it is systematic. If you take a full week for each lesson, you'll get bigger results in a shorter period of time. A lot of people, myself included, would like to push ahead, but then you can't master the ideas and tools in each lesson. Let it sink in.


It is pretty traditional in practice which isn't exactly my style. But I think it is a strong program that most people would be very comfortable with.


I wish I had gotten it sooner, and yet many people may have a little trouble implementing it with a young child. 9-16 is probably best.


HTHs a little,

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btw, is the argumentativeness your only concern? there are a lot of considerations for that alone. The board has been a lot of help to other people.


My first thing to suggest to people is that the child is growing up and needs less parental control. They often need more responsibility and opportunity. They should NOT be allowed more rights/privileges without more responsibility though. Kids will almost always step up to the plate.


The other thing is to simply not engage in argument. "It's not up for discussion" or "do it now." Walking away helps.

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