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It isn't that easy to dismiss. I do know someone who thinks obese people are lazy, stupid and should be dead. People like this are all around us and cannot be written off that easily.


I think it is a good idea to try to understand why they think like this so it can be changed.


Even if the OP did believe this at least she asked and was able to get support the opposite way. I'm not saying she did believe it, just making a case for asking. When people hold their assumptions to themselves there isn't a chance to try to talk them out of it.


I don't think that someone who thinks this way can be changed. Predjudices are not logical - you can't logically convince someone that their position is false when they haven't used logic to come to that conclusion.


Most people who have predjudices don't keep them to themselves - it comes out in their attitudes and actions even if they try to hide it. Generally, it makes *them* look less intelligent (even if they aren't - people of all intelligence levels hold predjudices.)

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We all need to honestly and critically evaluate our own thinking, but it's really hard to follow through with. It's a lot easier to ask for info from friends who will possibly pad their answers some :D.


As far as bringing the burden to this group goes, well I understand this post annoyed you, but I see this forum as a place where I can bring my burdens. That's what I love about a message board, and because I homeschool and own the WTM, this is the best place for me to go to. I've asked so many questions here and received a lot of encouragement and wisdom. Some I didn't agree with, and some I did. I'm so glad I have this board to turn to when I need help, on curriculum, parenting, or the best WII games to buy :001_smile:. The OP didn't bother me, but I understand that many of you didn't like the posting. I just hope that nothing I've seen in this thread will keep me from posting in the future. If I had posted the original question then my self esteem would be at a record low about now (speaking for me, not Terri...hopefully she's a lot stronger and more confident gal than I am).


God Bless all this morning,



Good post. It has me thinking that maybe I wasn't as generous as I could have been.

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